Saturday 8 December 2018

Facebook And Instagram Went Down Due To A Server Bug

Facebook makes it into the news once again for troubling users globally. Supposedly, Facebook users have faced trouble with Instagram and Facebook for the past two to three days. The tech giant admitted the problem after multiple complaints. Allegedly, Facebook and Instagram went down due to a bug in its servers. While Facebook claims to have patched the bug, some users still face trouble using the apps.

Facebook And Instagram Went Down Globally

At the beginning of this week, Facebook and Instagram users started facing issues while using these services. Some users were logged out of their accounts, or their profiles simply failed to load. Some users couldn’t post on Facebook or Instagram, whereas some others experienced super slow loading speeds. While Facebook justified the Monday outages as a result of some “routine test”, the following days didn’t bring anything good for the user. Rather, most FB users (including us) simply viewed this annoying statement again and again.

Although the problem persisted for quite some time, Facebook admitted the issue only a day ago. It now has revealed that the error occurred due to a “bug in the server”.
WhatsApp users, however, didn’t face any such troubles.

Is It All Due To A Bug?

Now that Facebook confirms fixing the bug, users do not really seem satisfied with the justification. Albeit, recalling the infamous hacks and glitches associated with the firm can somewhat justify the prevailing skepticism among the public. Here is how the frustrated users flooded Twitter whilst popularizing hashtags #Facebookdown and #Instagramdown on Twitter.

Well, we haven’t heard much from Facebook regarding this chaos. As soon as know about official statements, we shall update our readers.
Did you also face this trouble with Facebook and Instagram? Are you still experiencing problems? Do let us know about it in the comments below.

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